Sharda 75w/p

One of the greatest termiticides available in Pakistan is Sharda 75w/p, which offers reliable, efficient, and long-lasting termite control. This solution can be used to treat subterranean termite activity and inhibit termite growth by applying an in-ground perimeter treatment to the floors and foundations of homes and buildings.


About Sharda 75w/p

One of the greatest termiticides available in Pakistan is Sharda 75w/p, which offers reliable, efficient, and long-lasting termite control. This solution can be used to treat subterranean termite activity and inhibit termite growth by applying an in-ground perimeter treatment to the floors and foundations of homes and buildings. Additionally, Sharda 75W/p is thought to be a useful solution for protecting damaged woodpiles, crawl spaces, voids, upper floors, and basements against termites, borers, and other wood-infesting insects.

Compared to conventional termiticide solutions, which are designed to repel termites from an infected area but do not eradicate them, Sharda 75W/p treats termites in a different approach. A zone known as the “Treated Zone” is created across the house or structures using Sharda 75W/p. Termites either burrow into the treated soil or consume the treated cellulose without realizing it because this zone is invisible. The exposed termites survive a few days once they enter the treated zone before they pass out instantly.

But in the final few days of their exposure, the exposed termites come into touch with the unexposed termites and readily disperse the chemical Sharda 75W/p, which eventually sets off a domino effect that kills all the termites in the colony. Imidacloprid, the primary active ingredient of Sharda 75W/p, is a widely used insecticide with a less than 1% retreat rate that has proven effective worldwide. The key ingredient of Sharda 75W/p, imidacloprid, is widely used in consumer goods for both humans and dogs all over the world. Even after years of being in the soil, Sharda 75W/p does not emit any foul odors.

To prepare the proper mixture of Sharda 75W/p for a successful termite control treatment, professional skill is required. In Pakistan, Sharda 75W/p is regarded as one of the best termite control products available. Samzsquare provides the best termite control services/termite proofing services in Pakistan and it is rated as the best termite control company/termite proofing company in Pakistan. Read more about our Termite Control Services.


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